There’s really nothing more refreshing then opening up your bedroom closet door to find a well organized display of clothes and shoes. An unorganized closet can cause a lot of frustration, and a lot of time digging through items to find a specific item in which you were looking for.

Organizing a bedroom closet can be a very simple project with the right bedroom closet organizer. There are many different types of closet organizers that you can purchase to fit the need of your closet and your personal needs.

Many people often use a bedroom closet to store all clothes, and shoes. Without an organizer, all of the clothes are hung off of usually one rod, and shoes are typically thrown on the ground which make finding a pair of shoes difficult to find. Whether your have ideas of going all out in a closet organizer design, or if you have a more simple idea in mind, you can find exactly what you are looking for. With a larger budget, you might want to think about investing in custom built closet which can be purchased through companies like California Closets.

California Closets will come and build a customized closet for you. However, if you have a smaller budget you can consider visiting a hardware store and finding materials to build your own closet organizer, or even visiting a Walmart or Target type store to get a “ready to put together” closet organizer.

There are a few different styles when it comes to bedroom closet organizers. Some people might have a larger need for more hanging space, others might have a need for more drawer space, or even more shoe space.

A common trend is to have tiered rods on both ends of the closet, which meets in the middle where there will often times be shelves, or drawers that go down to the ground. With this type of layout, you will have space to hang clothes, fold clothes and place shoes on organizers on either side of the drawers/shelves. Another style would be to have a closet full of just shelving. This type of organizer is great for someone who doesn’t have a need to hang many clothes. The shelves can be used for folded clothes and shoes. A less typical type of closet organizer can actually be built not in a closet. You can have a wall unit that contains cupboards, drawers and a shoes rack. This wall closet can hold a TV or other decorations to make your closet look less like a closet and more like a decorative piece. This option is great for someone who might not have a closet in their bedroom. California Closets has a great example of this at:

For a person who owns a lot of business clothes, having special rods to hold steamed pants, and to hang shirts is a great feature to have for someone who doesn’t have time to mess around in the morning before work. There are also special shoe racks that will keep shoes away from other objects to prevent them from needing to be shine or from getting scuffed by other shoes. For a man, a tie rack can be a great organizational feature to have. A closet tie rack will often times come with a motor for easy selection or will be wide enough to be able to see each tie.

When it comes to children bedrooms, different details have to be taken into consideration. This is especially the case when children are going to be getting things out of their own closet. Everything needs to be a bit lower to the ground for reaching reasons. Therefore, when organizing a child’s closet, placing baskets on the bottom for shoes, or for blankets would be easy for a child to reach. Lower drawers would also be a great thing to have in a child’s closet. Another great organizational item for a child’s closet would be shelves, you can put books away, and even put baskets in the shelves to organize socks, and undershirts. Another big issue with kids bedroom closets is that if you have shelving or drawers, it’s very important to make sure everything is attached securely to the wall. Children like to climb, and having a unstable closet organizer can be hazardous.

Although there is lots to learn when it comes to organizing your bedroom closet, it’s easy to do and you’ll reap the benefits for years to come.

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