Jasmine is a very useful plant to have in your yard or garden as it tolerates a variety of soils and climates, and can be trained to grow as a vine or a more dense shrubbery. Its beautiful flowers and wonderful smell make it a favorite of gardeners everywhere. Jasmine can grow to fifteen feet in height, depending on how it is trained, making it ideal to cover trellises or fences. Jasmine prefers sun and does not tolerate shade well, so it should be planted in sunny areas whenever possible.

The following steps will help you to plant jasmine successfully.

First, choose the spot for your jasmine. As the plant will spread, you should not put plants too close together–the recommended distance between plants is about eight feet. Plan for the plants to spread and cover the area in which they are planted; they will have to be pruned to keep them confined.

Having chosen the spot, it is time to choose your plants. You should always deal with a reputable nursery in order to get healthy and viable plants. You might save a bit of money by heading for one of the chain stores, but your local nursery probably has better stock and more durable plants. Talk with your nursery personnel about where you are planting your jasmine; some varieties do better than others in certain locations. Pick your plants and transport them carefully to your garden.

Next, you must prepare the soil. As with any plant, you want to clear the area of all grass and weeds, and mix the existing soil with some rich potting soil. This can be accomplished by spading the area, mixing in potting soil, and turning the combined soil several times.

Now you are ready to plant. Dig a hole about two inches wider than the nursery container and about an inch deeper. It is important to completely sink your plant into the hole you are creating, but not to bury it too deeply. If you bury a plant too deeply, you risk the roots not being able to absorb nutrients; if you bury it in too shallow a hole, the roots may be exposed above the topsoil and dry out.

Carefully remove the plant from the container. Do not grasp the plant by the stem and pull; you risk pulling the top off the plant. Instead, gently squeeze the sides of the container to loosen the root ball, then turn the plant and slide it gently out. Once you have placed the plant in the hole, cover it with the well-mixed dirt and water it thoroughly. This allows water to seep down to the bottom of the planting and nourish the roots through the first crucial weeks of growth.

Once your jasmine is planted, you should water it regularly, especially for the first few weeks until it is settled. You should allow the soil to nearly dry between waterings. Fertilize at the beginning of autumn for the best spring blooms.

This YouTube video will help you visualize the steps in planting jasmine:

Gardening Tips : How to Plant Jasmine


Related Resources:

The Flower Expert: Jasmine
eHow: How to Plant Jasmine

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