It may surprise many readers to learn that there are about twenty thousand different types of wasps on earth. Fortunately for anyone who has a wasp problem, there are really only two varieties with which you have to be concerned of ridding yourself. These are those which build their nests high up, in places like trees and under roof eaves, and also those which dwell below the ground. Eliminating wasps can be a challenge, for unlike their cousins bees, who are only capable stinging a person one time, wasps can sting you repeatedly, and they will, too. Follow these directions to eliminate the problem of wasps without carrying a bunch of painful reminders of their presence nearby your house.

Items and Materials Necessary for the Project:

– Half a gallon of kerosene or diesel fuel
– An Old towel or blanket (moistened)
– Protective clothing
– A Ladder
– A Shovel
– Professional grade wasp and hornet killer

Ridding Yourself of Wasps Who Dwell Below The Ground

– Preparation Work

After you have found the nest of the pests, you should wait until either early morning or night fall. This is the safest time to launch your attack. All of the wasps will be located inside of their nest then, and they will not yet be feeling and acting so aggressive.

Suit up in protective clothing, the best that you can find. A bee keeper outfit would be ideal, but alternatively, you might utilize a good rubberized rain suit in order to safe guard yourself from wasp stings. Be certain that you tie down your jacket and pant leg cuffs snugly, so that no smart wasps manage to get beneath your rubber suit to wreak havoc.

– Attacking the Nest

Carefully and slowly near the nest itself. Pour your kerosene or fuel inside the nest’s entrance. Do not light it. You will need to place the moistened blanket or towel on top of the nest opening in order to trap the fumes inside of the nest.

Keep your distance from the wasp nest overnight, or minimally for several hours. In this time, the fuel fumes which are trapped beneath the moistened blanket or towel ought to kill all of the wasps which are caught inside the nest. Take off the blanket or towel and pour plenty of fresh soil over the entrance to the wasp nest.

Ridding Yourself of Wasps Who Nest High Up

– Preparation Work

You will be using a Wasp Killer Bomb. Be certain that you understand clearly and well the directions which come with it. If you do not follow them precisely, then you will quite probably be stung one, or even multiple, times. Again, you will wish to wait until either early morning or evening, when all of the wasps will be at home. Be sure to suit up with the appropriate protective clothing gear discussed in the above section on Ridding Yourself of Wasps Who Nest Beneath the Ground.

– Attacking the Nest

Cautiously and slowly near the nest. Keep a good ten to twelve feet of distance from the wasp nest and carefully take aim with your wasp killer. Fire it at the nest’s opening. If you are not a good shot, and you happen to miss the nest opening, it will still prove to be effective in hitting the exterior of the nest, only it will work slightly slower.

Suggestions and Cautions

Most people are not aware of the fact that the majority of wasps actually die in the winter time. The queen herself survives and begins investigating for a location for the new nest and colony in the spring time. Should you witness a wasp flying around your house in the spring, if you are able to kill it then, you will likely not have to be concerned with a wasp nest that year.

Remember that it is dangerous to take on wasps. It might not be a bad idea to talk to a reliable pest control firm about handling the problem for you. Never do the job yourself if you even suspect that you are allergic to the stings of wasps.


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