If you are planning on updating your landscaping, you might be considering transplanting a tree. This job can be cumbersome, but the benefits to the tree and your general landscaping appearance will be worth it. You must take great care in order to ensure that your tree survives the transplantation process. If you follow the right precautions, your tree will thrive in the new location.

Making Preparations

In order to transplant your tree successfully, you will need to make necessary preparations. First, decide the new place your tree will go. It would be helpful in your decision to know what type of tree that you have. Certain types of trees thrive in shady places, while others grow better in full sun. Also note how accessible a water supply will be to the new spot. Transplanted tress will require regular watering in order to live. Also take the time to note if the tree will be placed in an aesthetically pleasing place. Once you have determined the new placement of your tree, you will need to make sure that there are no utility lines where you will be digging. A simple call to your utility companies can help with the location of these lines. Many companies will mark the areas that are unsafe for digging which might take a few days, but your safety is well worth the wait. Now you can begin digging. You will need to dig a hole that is big enough for your tree to fit in. If necessary measure the diameter of your tree and dig at least 24 inches down into the ground for the root ball to fit.

Tree Removal

You will need to dig your tree and the root ball out from the ground. The root ball contains the main root system of the tree, plus the dirt that surrounds it. You will need to carefully dig around the main portion of the root system to free it from the surrounding earth. If you are unsure of how far to dig around the tree, look at the branches of your tree. Usually tree roots extend underground about as far as it branches out above the ground. This will take some time, but with care the excavation process will go smoothly. If necessary it may be helpful to cut feeder roots, or roots that extend further out from the root ball, in order to remove the tree. Once the roots have been exposed, and you are able to pick up the tree from the ground, it is ready for planting.

Re-planting Your Tree

Place your tree into the hole that has already been dug. You will want to gently lower the tree into the hole and fill it in with dirt. You should lightly press on the dirt to ensure that the tree can stand by itself. Mulch the area around the tree lightly, but leave a space of a few inches around the tree free of any mulch. For best results, leave some room for water and air to circulate around the roots. Finally, water the tree well by placing an open water hose near the trunk and letting the water flow for several minutes. This watering will help the roots settle into their new place. You will need to keep watering the tree regularly over the next year. Extra watering should be considered in the warm summer months. You will know if your transplantation process has been successful once new green leaves begin to sprout on the tree in the spring. Your tree should continue to thrive in the new place.

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