Whether or not you are a big fan of the aromatic and tasty herb Rosemary, it proves to be a must have for your garden. The plant itself has a needle-esque, blue and green foliage as well as an enticing fragrance. This article goes through the step by step directions for effectively planting and growing Rosemary in your own garden.

Materials and Items Necessary for the Project:

– Rosemary Plants
– Potting Soil for cacti
– Planting Pots and Containers
– Gardening Spades

Planting and Growing Rosemary in Warmer Climates (USDA Designated Zones Eight, Nine, and Ten)

This moderately easy project will require that you go to your area nursery which specializes in herbs, in order to find and purchase little Rosemary plants. The seeds themselves germinate both infrequently and unpredictably, and only at such times as they are really fresh.

Planting the Rosemary Plants

You ought to pick out a site which receives either full on sunlight or at least a good sunny patch with only a little shade in the afternoon. It should also boast of superb drainage, such as a raised bed, to be most ideal. Rosemary enjoys average to poor quality soil, containing a pH of around 6.5 to 7.0.

Rosemary can be planted at any time of the year in the warmer climes of America. Transplants ought to be set in the ground at the identical depth at which they grew in their pots at the nursery. Allow a full two feet minimally on all sides to make certain there is appropriate air circulation for the Rosemary plants.

Maintaining the Rosemary Plants

Rosemary is easy to maintain. It will require infrequent watering and does not really need fertilizing, since it loves average to poor qualities of soil. You may clip the sprigs or leaves to season your cooking pot at any time that you require them.

Planting and Growing Your Rosemary in Cooler Climes (USDA Designated Zones Seven and North of There)

Planting the Rosemary Plants

You should purchase your plants as little starters from the area nursery. These should be planted in the early part of spring. You ought to employ a clay pot which has measurements of minimally twelve inches across and twelve inches of depth. It should also feature numerous drainage holes.

Fill the pot using a coarse and light potting soil mix. Cactus soil along with a little perlite is ideal. Place the plants into their new homes at the identical depth at which they grew in the nursery where you originally purchased them. After the final frost alert has passed, harden off the plants. Then you are ready to move them to live outside.

Maintaining the Rosemary Plants

These Rosemary plants in the Northern climes should be regularly watered. The soil should stay just a little moist but not ever be wet. Fertilize the plants every month with a compost tea in the spring and early summer months.

Well in advance of the first oncoming frost, you should bring the Rosemary plants back inside the house to protect them from the harsh winter. Place them in sun filled West or South facing windows. You should increase the scarce sunlight supply with fluorescent lights, should sun be scarce in your home in the winter months.

The soil has to stay moist. The plants should be misted minimally two times every week, using tepid temperature water. Whenever you wish for the aromatic sprigs or leaves for cooking, clip them.

Additional Information:

Green Foot Steps: How To Grow Rosemary
Suite 101: Herb Rosemary

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