Whether at your existing home or a newly bought property, many people want to spruce up their lawn by planting a flower garden. Even if you know nothing about growing flowers, there are plenty of varieties that are both durable and take little effort to grow. There are however some things to ensure the your flower garden can be enjoyed for as long as possible.

Planning & Preparation

1.) You’ll first need to plan out the logistics of your new flower garden. Start by marking the exact location and dimensions of where the garden will be. It can help to sketch out what you envision on paper along with exact measurements. This will help you produce the most efficient flower garden for your property. Mark the outer boundaries of your garden using either edging stones or plastic edging. The edging serves two purposes, it keeps weeds from sprouting up in your garden as also keeps rain water from washing your garden away.

2.) Next, mark on your paper diagram the amount of sunlight that each portion of the garden will receive during the morning and daytime. This may require some homework on your part. Lastly, make a list of supplies you will need. This will make the construction portion go much more smoothly. Here is a sample list:

– Measuring tape
– Edging stones
– Shovel
– Compost
– Mulch
– Stones
– Plant food
– Pesticide
– Garden Shears
– Garden Gloves
– Flower bedding plants

3.) Using a soil test kit, test the soil of the garden area in several different locations. You will want to look at the pH levels and make note of them. Certain flowers need certain pH levels, but there is no universally acceptable level for all flowers.

4.) Using catalogs, the internet, or by visiting your local nursery, research which types of flowers you would like in your garden. Certain factors will determine which flowers you’ll be successful in growing, including your geographical location, soil composition, and levels of sunlight. Take all of your research, including pictures with you to the nursery.

Planting & Growing

1.) Before you begin planting make sure you remove and debri and wees from your garden. Retest the pH levels of the soil. If they do not match the needs of the flowers that you bought, use either compost or lime to alter the pH to acceptable levels.

2.) Place the bedding flowers on top of the soil but without planting them just yet. Large flowers will act as foundation plants with the smaller flowers acting as accents around them. Group according the colors, sunlight needs, and personal taste. Leave them for a couple of days without planting. This will allow you to make any changes.

3.) Plant the larger, foundation flowers first, followed by the accent plants in order of height.

4.) Make sure to water the entire garden thoroughly. This will help settle the plants as well as rid your garden of air pockets. Once all of the flowers are planted, cover the topsoil with a layer of mulch. Mulch will trap the moisture int the soil and provide much needed nutrients to the plants. If you purchased stepping stones, arrange them throughout the garden. This will allow you to walk through the garden to get access to any flowers that need care of shearing, without damaging the soil.

5.) Do some more research to find out the watering and pruning needs of each individual plant. Follow these timetables to ensure the plants last as long as possible. Also, use pesticides and fungicides to keep the plants healthy and protected. Make sure to wear protective garden gloves when handling any flowers that may have thorns. Certain flowers will need all purpose plant food to thrive.

Make sure to keep all of your notes, research and diagrams. As the season goes on, make notes of any changes in the garden, which plants are thriving and which have not done so well. Keep track of watering and pruning schedules. All of this information can be useful for your next planting cycle and to help ensure any mistakes are not repeated and then each plant has its best chance of survival.

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