Orchids have been well known and beloved throughout history, going back all the way to the time of the Ancient Greeks. This beautiful and unique flower was long counted an embodiment of love, luxury, and beauty. During the Middle Ages, Orchids were prized as medicine for numerous different sicknesses. Nowadays, many individuals are successfully growing Orchids in their own gardens, especially in warmer climates. This article goes through the necessary directions for effectively growing Orchids.

Picking Out Your Orchids

The first thing that you will have to do is to select the best kind of Orchid. Several varieties or Orchids are adaptable to different temperatures, though the majority of them do far better in the warm and wet tropical climates. As one example, the Phalaenopsis, originally from Australia and Asia, really does grow quite well within the temperatures and lighting conditions present in the typical American household.

Ensuring Proper Lighting

Not all Orchids have the same exact lighting requirements. The Dendobrium needs a great quantity of sunlight, while the Phalaenopsis Orchid flourishes even with artificial sourced lighting. The Cattleya grows happily in a medium amount of light. You ought to put this one in a window so that it could receive approximately four good hours of sunshine per day. This all goes to show you how critical it is to know what amount of sunlight, or artificial light in a few cases, that the Orchid requires in order to thrive.

Soil and Air Considerations

Your Orchid will also have its own unique preferences for soil heights and air. If you go to see an orchid grower, then you will no doubt observe that a variety of Orchid species are kept up high. Others sit planted in the ground. Among the most critical Orchid growing directions lies in learning at what the correct height is that a given Orchid species must be grown. Species Epiphytes enjoy the air, since they gain the majority of their nutrients from the air itself. But terrestrial Orchids, alternatively, gain all of their nutrient needs out of the soil. Where soil is concerned, Orchids need the very best soil quality that you can find. It has to be fertilized routinely in order to stay sufficiently rich in nutrients.

Proper Humidity and Air Levels

Every variety of Orchid needs air. Wherever you choose to grow them, it must we well ventilated, but not windy, since this would destroy the flowers themselves. Should your home be in a low humidity locale, meaning under forty percent, then your Orchid will need to be spray misted routinely, or placed on a humidity tray. A humidity tray simply proves to be a metal or plastic tray, which is lined with pebbles and filled half of the way with water. You would put the plant in the pebbles, but must make certain that neither the plant itself, nor its roots, touch the water sitting in the tray.

Sufficient Water

Orchids possess different, yet specific, water needs for every species. Numerous individuals actually over water their Orchids, resulting in an excessive amount staying in the pot. This causes root rot eventually. A number of other people water their Orchids too little, and this causes the plant to die. One of the most important steps that you should take involves buying pots with excellent drainage. Stagnant water is death for these plants. Touch the soil with your finger. When it feels dried up, then it is time to water the Orchid. For those who grow their Orchids in bark, they require watering approximately one time a week.

Sufficient Fertilizer

Those Orchids which live in either peat mixes and bark or just bark grow best when you employ a 20-20-20 fertilizer which is liquid. Better still would be a specific fertilizer for Orchids, which was a 30-10-10 mixture. Optimal results are obtained when you utilize a urea free fertilizer that is water soluble. Simply add the fertilizer to your watering routine, making sure to follow the directions on the packaging.

Proper Temperature

This may sound strange, but even though Orchids prefer the tropics, they desire a cooler temperature during the night. Greenhouses maintain a night time temperature for them of around fifty-five to sixty-five degrees every night. Such a temperature keeps the moisture in the soil best.

Periodical Pruning

Orchids require a once in a while going over pruning. The dead parts must be removed then. One time per year, typically in the fall or early winter, is best. Taking a pair of good sharp shears, simply cut the Orchid back down to approximately one inch above the soil in which it grows. It will grow back with a new bloom the next growing season.


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