As the temperature rises, the chance of your cat getting fleas increases. The likelihood of your cat contracting fleas if they are outdoor cats are much greater so ensure you take the proper steps to avoid this from occuring in the first place. Using a flea prevention, such as a flea collar or over the counter medicine might be a good idea. However, if these methods were ineffective, you have to take measures into your own hands to get rid of the fleas on your cats and effectively rid them of your home.

First thing is to remove the fleas off of your cat. You can use a flea comb, but the most effective will be to give your cat a flea bath. Protect yourself from the claws by wearing gloves and try to keep your cat still in order for the flea shampoo to effectively start working before it’s washed off. At the same time remove any bedding and place in the washing machine using the sanitary cycle. This is because fleas seek refuge in pet bedding and carpeted areas to lay their eggs and larvae hide out there.

Next step is to vacuum every area of the house. While the majority of the fleas will be found in carpeting and other bedding areas, it’s still a good idea to vacuum under all furniture, in corners, and remove the couch cushions to efficiently vacuum the home. When you are done, empty the cannister or bag outside the home to avoid the risk of any fleas getting loose. Since vacuuming will sometimes encourage the adult larvae to hatch, ensure that you vacuum at least once daily to collect any fleas that have hatched in between vacuuming.

Leave no stone unturned. Clean all cat toys, and even your children’s clothes in case the fleas are hiding out there. Hang up flea traps to attract fleas there. Keep your cat in a different area of the house away from carpeting and other areas fleas will hide out. Use the flea comb on your cat daily to also ensure there has been no reoccurence of fleas infesting your cat. The best thing to do is to keep your cat indoors, even if they usually go outside during the day. They may have contracted the flea infestation right outside your home so treat the area outside the home your cat frequents with biologic materials to treat the soil to rid yourself of fleas.

Sometimes, however, you might need to seek the use of pesticides to effectively kill off the fleas. Check the chemical before use to ensure you and your pet’s safety. Whether you bomb the house with an over the counter flea bomb or hire outside help, ensure you clean any residue after the procedure is done. It’s a good idea to remove your cat from the home during the process so they don’t inhale any of the fumes. Simply opening up the windows and putting your cat in another room is not a good idea as the fumes can secrete under the door or outside of the room you are spraying.

If you decide to use a flea prevention on your cat, read the warning labels first. Never use K9 Advantix on cats as there are certain chemicals in it that can cause death or serious health defects. Look at purchasing Frontline for Cats or a flea collar instead. As with any medication, know these are pesticides you are putting onto your cat so familiarize yourself with the ingredients before use so you know of any possible health side effects before use.

Just utilize patience as adult flea eggs may take several days to hatch. Keep up your regimented routine of vacuuming daily, checking your cat with a flea comb, and wiping all surface areas. If your cat walks on the counters, bear in mind 70% of flea eggs will have come off during them walking around the house so clean every area of your home, inside and out. As a side note some eggs might not hatch for several weeks and even up to a month so keep your eyes open for a reoccurence. Only then can you get rid of fleas on your cats and in your home.


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