As Americans have gradually fallen in love with the appearance and utility of decks outside of their homes, a wide range of deck finishes has become beloved and utilized. These days, you can have a deck covered with water based latex surfacing, or opaque, partially transparent, or even clear alkyd surfaces. This article explains to the readers how to properly paint a deck of which they can be proud.
Prep Work
Start out by pressure washing your deck. This is necessary in order to get all of the old coatings, mildew, and dirt off of the existing finish. Do not neglect to pressure wash the two sides of the railings, as well. Should you opt for a penetrating, clear deck coating, then you might want to consider the use of a deck brightening product which will aid in giving you a like new wood finish to your surface.
Using Brushes and Rollers
After your deck is well cleaned and completely dried, you will want to begin working with a brush for the deck’s perimeter and the railings tops. From here, gradually work your way down to the deck itself. Finally, move in the direction of the house. Next you will need to pick up a roller for the deck’s actual surface. Begin at one of the perimeter edges and work your way back, in the direction of the house. To get a nice, attractive sheen and coverage, you should apply consistent pressure to the roller on every board of the deck.
Using Spray Painting Machines
Although you have to be careful in safe guarding close by vegetation from the paint’s over spray, spraying is another choice for getting the paint coats on the deck’s surfaces. This is quicker than using the roller and brush method outlined above. You may rent spray painting machines from a number of different rental firms, home improvement centers, or paint store outlets. You ought to talk with a painting expert at one of these locations in order to get the proper tip size and set the pressure level properly. Of course, these will vary with the kind of coating that you apply. Railings have to be spray painted first, except, of course, if the railings will be an alternative final color than the deck will be. In this case, you ought to spray the deck first.
You should really consider ways to properly protect your surrounding vegetation from the paint over spray effect of the spray paint machine. One way that you might do this is to attach kraft paper to the railing’s outsides. This paper will catch any stray spray paint that over shoots.
When you are ready to apply the paint to the actual deck’s surface, you should seek to evenly spray the paint on a six foot square area. Once you have finished that, you can run over the surface using a half inch nap roller in order to make certain that the paint is worked in consistently on to the deck’s surface. Work in such a way in even square sections until you finally cover the entire deck’s surface. One last thing to remember when you are working with the spray paint machine is to utilize a big shielding item, like a four foot by four foot section of card board, as one example, when you are spray painting near the house, so that you are able to safe guard it from the over spray effects. In this way, you will have a beautiful new deck surface which, if properly cared for, will last you and your family for many years to come.
For more information on painting your deck, simply click on the link: Suite101.