How often should you fertilize your lawn to keep it looking nice? To answer this, you will need to know what type of climate you live in and what type of grass you have in your lawn. Each kind of grass requires different fertilization schedules. Fertilization offers many benefits to your grass to help it stay green and thick. You do not need to hire a lawn service to get your lawn looking the best. Great looking results are actually easier to achieve than many people think with regularly scheduled maintenance.

Southern Grasses

For the south, climates are warmer and growing periods are longer. Combination fertilizers work the best, and include a mixture of amounts of phosphorous, nitrogen, and potassium. You should fertilize your lawn in the early spring to stimulate growth and thicken the sod. The most effective treatment would be after the last frost, usually sometime in late February to mid March depending on where you live. Regional precipitation will determine how much watering you will need to have. Also, you should fertilize once again in the late summer in order to maintain a healthy growth. Apply another fertilizer before the winter season in to help your roots survive any harsh winter temperatures. An additional fertilizer treatment can be given in early May with plenty of watering, but this application is not necessary for healthy growth.

Cold Climate Grass Care

Grasses that grow predominately in colder climates should be fertilized at least twice annually. These types of grasses thrive when fertilized in the early spring, which helps it to grow back from exposure to snow and freezing temperatures. You should use a combination fertilizer with a lower nitrogen content at this time. This fertilization will quickly turn your grass green. In addition, another round of fertilization should occur during mid autumn. For this application of fertilizer, a combination fertilizer with a higher content in nitrogen will provide the best results. This will strengthen the roots in preparation for the dormant growing season. There is no need for additional treatments.

Fertilizing for Temperate Climate Grasses

Mild climate grasses will need to be fertilized twice a year as well. Late springtime fertilization is the most beneficial for growing thick lawns. Plenty of watering should occur during the spring through summer months. Another fertilization treatment should be applied in October to keep the roots healthy for winter. The use of a combination fertilizer is best for mild climates.

General Fertilization Tips

No matter what type of grass you have, fertilization is necessary to have a healthy green lawn. Watering your lawn is very important and should be frequent after fertilizing and regularly scheduled in the warmer months. Overuse of fertilizer may cause your lawn to become brown, so be careful to only use the recommended amount for your size yard. Proper lawn care will ensure that you have a beautiful yard any time of the year.


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