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Peppermint or Spearmint Oil
Mice are repulsed by the smell of peppermint and spearmint. Some experts even report that they are allergic to the scent. Use a small amount of concentrated peppermint or spearmint oil sprinkled on cotton balls to keep the mice from entering your home. Strategically place the cotton balls in areas that mice prefer, such as under cabinets, behind stoves and refrigerators and in corners. Mice have a keen sense of smell, so it only takes a few drops to send them scurrying in the other direction. Beware that the mice will reappear when the smell dissipates, so make sure to refresh the cotton balls periodically to keep your home mouse-free.
Fabric Softener Sheets
Many people swear by fabric softener sheets as an effective means to repel mice from their homes. Mice do not like the smell of fabric softener sheets, and will move elsewhere to find food and water. Place fabric softener sheets strategically around your home. Make sure to distribute them evenly around the house. You don’t want to inadvertently direct them to a different part of the home to seek refuge from the smell. Mice may become acclimated to the smell after prolonged exposure, so be sure to refresh your dryer sheets often for maximum effectiveness.
Electronic Mouse Repellant
Electronic devices work by projecting a high-pitched noise that only mice can hear. This eardrum-blasting noise sends the mice running for the nearest exit as the sound is unbearable to their sensitive ears. Electronic mouse repellants usually plug into a standard outlet, and will not interfere with your home’s electrical system. Although the frequency of the electronic mouse repellant is too high to be picked up by the human ear, it may be perceptible to your small rodent pets, such as hamsters, gerbils and guinea pigs. These devices are safe for use around larger pets such as dogs and cats.
Fox Urine/Rodent Powders
Powdered rodent repellant works by mimicking the scent of animals that are a mouse’s natural predator, such as bobcats, foxes and wolves. This concentrated powder has a smell imperceptible to humans, but easily picked up by the rodent’s sensitive nose. Sprinkle rodent powder around the perimeter of your home to keep mice out, and in the interior to drive out existing mice. Fox urine works in the same manner, giving the mouse the impression that a predator is lurking nearby. Some experts report that spraying fox urine or sprinkling rodent powder has limited effectiveness, as mice will start to return after a period of time if they don’t actually see a fox or cat. Rodent powder and fox urine is available at most hardware
Guard the Perimeter
Keep mice out of your home by finding their points of entry and closing them off to a critter infestation. Look around the exterior of your home for cracks in the foundation, small holes and openings where mice may be entering. Seal cracks tightly, as mice have been known to chew through hard substances to gain access to homes. Be sure to rid your home of existing mice, as you may also prevent mice from exiting when you seal off the points of entry.
Many people wonder how to repel mice from their home, and agonize over this pesky problem. By following a few simple steps, you can be well on your way to a mouse free home in no time.